Tooth Extraction

Affordable Tooth Removal

Quick & Efficient Tooth Removal

Dental extractions are not dental treatments that patients often look forward to. Fortunately, our compassionate team offers expert restorative care, and we can remove virtually any tooth that needs to be extracted quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re not exactly sure what your smile needs or you’re looking for a dental office in Greenville or Landrum that offers oral surgery services, our team is here to assist you. Give our office a call or send us a message to learn more about our services or schedule your appointment today!

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Questions About Tooth Extraction

  • What is the normal recovery time for a dental extraction?

    It depends on the patient and how fast they typically heal from minor surgeries as well as how many teeth are being removed. Patients should always plan to take the rest of the day off after having one or more teeth extracted. Over the next couple of days, it’s important to continue taking it easy and eating soft foods that require minimal chewing, otherwise, the healing process can be disrupted. After about a week or two, you should feel comfortable eating crunchy and chewy foods again and fully getting back to your normal routine.

  • Do dental extractions hurt?

    Before the extraction process begins, our team will inject a local anesthetic into the gums near the tooth to completely numb your mouth. This prevents patients from feeling pain and discomfort, although you may still be able to feel some pressure on your teeth. Once the numbness begins to wear off, you can take over-the-counter pain medication and use an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling, or our team may prescribe medication for you as well. If you experience any severe pain at any point, please get in touch with our office right away.

  • How can dental extractions be avoided?

    Our team wants to help you keep your natural teeth as often as possible. Regular dental visits and scheduling restorative treatments promptly can help prevent an advanced procedure like a dental extraction from becoming necessary. Tooth infections, for example, can eventually require a dental extraction if a root canal is not performed in time. Other times, dental extractions are needed as part of an orthodontic treatment plan or due to crowding. Not sure what your smile needs? Feel free to schedule a consultation with our practice.


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